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What Is A Combination Tricast? How They Work

What Is A Combination Tricast? How They Work

Combination tricasts, often colloquially referred to as "combos", are a popular betting option among punters. Intriguing and exciting, these wagers offer a unique challenge to seasoned bettors and novices alike. To find out more about this topic, keep reading this Umbingo casino blog post. 

What Is A Combination Tricast?

A combination tricast is a bet where you select three horses (or dogs in greyhound racing or drivers in a Formula 1 race) to finish first, second, and third in any order. This is different from a standard tricast, where the order is fixed. 

A combination tricast allows for more flexibility, potentially increasing your chances of winning. 

How Many Bets In A Combination Tricast?

A single combination tricast consists of six individual bets. These bets represent the six possible orders your three chosen participants can finish in. This structure means that if your chosen horses finish in the top three, regardless of the order, you win the bet. 

Combination Tricast Example

Let's consider an example to understand this better. Suppose you've placed a combination tricast on horses A, B, and C to finish in the top 3 spots. 

If these horses finish in any of the six possible orders (A-B-C, A-C-B, B-A-C, B-C-A, C-A-B, or C-B-A), you win the bet. 

What Is The Cost of a Combination Tricast?

The cost of a combination tricast is calculated by multiplying the stake by the number of bets. 

Since a combination tricast consists of six bets, if you're placing a £1 bet, the total cost will be £6 (6 x £1). 

What's The Difference Between a Tricast And a Combination Tricast?

The key difference between a tricast and a combination tricast lies in the order of finish. In a standard tricast, you must predict the exact order of the first three finishers. However, in a combination tricast, the order of the finishers doesn't matter; you're just choosing the 3 you think will finish in the top 3 positions. This less restrictive option inherently increases your chances of winning in a combination tricast because it allows for 6 possible outcomes to result in a win instead of just one. 

What Happens If You Have a Non-Runner In a Tricast?

In case of a non-runner in your tricast, the bet usually gets downgraded to a forecast, i.e. a bet on the order of the first two finishers (the remaining runners in your bet). Most bookmakers follow this rule, but some might return the stake instead. Always check the specific rules of your bookmaker to avoid confusion. 

Combination tricasts are a thrilling part of the betting world, offering a more flexible iteration of a tricast bet and allowing punters to tailor their experience to their preference more finely. Most importantly, remember to gamble responsibly and only bet money you are comfortable losing.